The Healing Nature: To Heal or Not To Heal…That is the Question. (Part 2)

Part 2

In order to create the process of healing yourself, Self-Identification is necessary and needed. Who are you? Outside of your name, or reflection in the mirror that most are commonly familiar with. What is your self-background, family background, and the things you hold close to you, emotionally? When referring to who you are, I am not referring to the titles that are attached to your everyday living. For example: what you do at home, work, communities, and school, or the titles you hold in these areas of your life. The question of Who you are relates to you, as an individual and human being. What are your truthful and honest shortcomings and downfalls and are you making strides to elevate them and your person on every level, even when you are alone and rid of all the distractions of life, i.e. friends, significant others, children, and family? You will want to be in search of that essence that is embedded deep within each living being. This is considered to be the “God essence”. 

With this knowing and understanding, you are capable of coming to a place in your life and realizing what God essence is and feels like, as you become more capable of contrasting and comparing all other energies that are within you, that go unnoticed and are comparably different from that “God essence” or God spirit which resides already within you.  This knowing with intent, can eventually set a cascade of events and processes into action that will lead you to a realization of the inherent power that is part of your construct buried deep within you. 

Energies that no longer fit within the constructs of an individual who is now being immersed in power that is overwhelmingly pure and positive will begin to fade. This is also indicative of your environment and surrounding people in your life. Energies that were created through past experiences, and programs, and used as defense mechanisms, now become noticed as you realize that you are capable of deciding what is pertinent to keep and what is safe to let go. This will allow you the space within you to usher in new energy, fresh energy, and God energy. 

When Identifying and establishing what and who you are within, the stage now becomes set to experience healing to a certain degree and level based on where you are on your journey, which includes ‘Clearing’ and ‘Dissolving’ any and all energies/emotions that are of a low and heavy density. (how does this energy make you feel). If these energies go unnoticed and unresolved they have the ability to continuously put you in a place to attract the very same misfortunate energies that you hold onto so tightly and dearly. According to your experience, these dense heavy, and negatively vibrated energies are sometimes used by the individual to protect themselves from having to encounter that experience ever again. This action could be interpreted as part of the ‘fight or flight response. In contrast, the fight or flight response is not meant to take up residence within you. It is meant to get you through the experience and dissolve itself.


The Healing Nature: To Heal or Not To Heal…That Is the Question. (Part 3)


The Healing Nature: To Heal or Not Thyself…That is the Question. (Part 1)