The Healing Nature: To Heal or Not To Heal…That Is the Question. (Part 3)

Part 3

Healing is a process. It has many layers and levels to unravel. It does not happen overnight and patience is key, but with a conscious awareness, being true to oneself, and figuring out what you want to carry with you until the Time in which you leave this life, you will place yourself on a path of healing. 

Because we are considered to be energetic beings, it has been documented that some physical illnesses can originate energetically. But what if you were capable of targeting energies/emotions that can lead to altering physical ailments and sickness with the intent to heal through practice and action?

Conscious awareness allows you to introspectively evaluate yourself and expand your vision to include or exclude processes in your life and in your being. It can include differentiating between what energies you want to keep in your external environment, what triggers are associated with it, and what energies you feel are not necessary at this stage and time in your life to keep, therefore transmuting (composting) said energies into beneficial and useful energies to assist you in growth (i.e. like a  fertilizer).

We may have the power to heal ourselves on some level, whether it is mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically. They are all connected. These processes are working and can be considered as ‘necessary’ to evolve your being. 

Ask yourself this question. Does the benefits outweigh the risk? This is a term that has been utilized in the healthcare setting for a period of time. The risk you are taking consists of your Time, effort, and control or loss of control in letting go of parts of yourself (energies)that no longer work for you or your life. Energies/emotions that may have been in place for your whole life-time, or many lifetimes over now have the ability to fade. Are you going to take  the necessary steps in attempt to heal? Will you take the next steps to let go and surrender what no longer serves your greater, better self? Will you be responsible enough to have the courage and necessary strength to Awake Honor and Heal? Time will tell. 


Navigating Workers' Compensation: Beyond Red Tape to Holistic Healing


The Healing Nature: To Heal or Not To Heal…That is the Question. (Part 2)